欢迎校友报名 & 周末聚会
校友登记 & 周末聚会
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The 校友关系处 has officially opened registration for the 2024 校友 & 周末聚会.
We are thrilled to welcome our alumni and families back to campus May 31- June 2.
今年, we are excited to announce the return of popular events like the 17th Annual Ray Cordeiro 校友 Golf Classic, 牛排和龙虾, 新港马球比赛, 烧烤 & 啤酒花园, 前往布里斯托尔的班车服务, 品酒时间, 校友 Association Awards and Reunion Class Tribute Celebration for those alums who graduated in years ending in 4 & 9.
New to the weekend is the 校友 Kick-Off to the Weekend Celebration Concert (壮举. 戴夫·马修斯翻唱乐队,So Lucky), Build Your Own Cheese Board, Family Friendly Movie and Arts & 工艺品的夜晚, 快餐车, 火坑, 家庭住宅, 同学会早午餐, RWU寻宝游戏, Swoop的特殊外观, 我们的鹰吉祥物等等!
最后,我们很高兴地为大家带来了校友帐篷. We had great memories in the past under the tent and ready for its return!
这是我们的周末. 我迫不及待地想和我的校友们一起庆祝! 再见.
凯利一个. Scafariello 99
校友 & 周末聚会
The 校友关系处 has partnered with the company 一种总线标准 创建罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目. 一种总线标准 works with our office helping to collect stories from our alumni to memorialize the history of the campus experience through the years from when Roger was a College or now, a University to help build the Roger Williams Oral History Project.
Update: Attention 校友 who participated in the Roger Williams Oral History Project. The items purchased began production and should be ready late Spring 2024